Thank you for explaining Gone for Good. I was hurt, but not now :)
The reason why I do what I do is related to that Achilles heel, but I know I can't bring the Watchtower down.
For whatever reason, I am and always have been immune to the Watchtower's worst tricks. However, I can imagine the crisis that it puts some people into and if I can say anything to help and console such ones I will. What has happened to them IS NOT THEIR FAULT.
Watchtower can break your faith, your sanity and your powers of reason. The bottom line is, Watchtower does this through arithmetic (the use of numbers) or as some call it maths. Incidentally, the disciples in Greek are called the mathete, it means learner. This is all to do with knowledge and the ability to take information in and process it in a sound and proper manner. Watchtower stops all that. Sound thinking must be a basic human right. This organisation robs people of their minds. If banks get done for miselling financial products, maybe one day someone with get it, that this advertising/media company is miselling verbal products/trust. Its a con trick. It destroys more than your life and your natural ability to love. It destroys your mind, while leaving you alive to be their puppet and destroy the lives of others.